concentration 3- Pets I had

As the title shows, I drew the animals I grew up with. I wanted to draw the animals together to show how they were all part of the family. From oldest to youngest, the cat, Figaro, was a rescue my mom brought home before I was born. He lived a very long life of eighteen years and was arguably one of the most patient cats. There are pictures from when I dressed him in clothes for dolls and put hair clips all in his fur. The cocker spaniel, Charlie lived until he was twelve and was very loyal. When my sister was very young, my mom and dad bought him as a puppy. He was well behaved and trained. Sadie was a golden retriever, living until seven or eight. My family actually bought her from my great aunt in Ohio when their dog, Libby, had one of many litters of puppies. When my dad, sister, new stepmom (ew), and I moved to Florida, my stepmom was a bitch and didnt want to keep her so she forced my dad to give Sadie to church friends. Finally, Scrappy is a yorkie terrier and is currently living with my grandma in Arizona. My dad bought him as a gift to my mom and she named him. He's about ten years old now and is very spoiled by my grandma. Anyway, this is my third project. 



n/a :(


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