concentration 2- houses I lived in
For my second project I drew the houses I grew up in/ lived in. The different sizes of the boxes represent older to newer memories, how with each house I grew physically and as a person, or just a sort of timeline in which order I lived where. I included each address as a way to remember how each house is not like the other, how specific memories are held dear to each place I lived. Overall, I guess Im happy with the final project. My initial intention was to have the oldest house to be in black and white and gradually make the newer house full of color to represent how distant my memories of each place are; obviously that is not what happened because I was being a dumb and forgot. The houses themselves are okay at best, I suck at drawing buildings sooo. When I was planning my concentration, I didnt want to make each piece to be in a storyline, I wanted to just capture and relive significant things I remember from my childhood. This is no exception, it does not connect to the first project but is connected to the concept of my childhood as a whole.
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